Lucy’s Design Revolution: 

The Journey of a Visionary Entrepreneur

When Lucy first stepped into the woodworking industry as a 19-year-old apprentice, the world of furniture and cabinetry was vastly different. Born into a family that valued craftsmanship—her father a carpenter and her mother entrenched in the sales office of R.G. Davis Furniture—Lucy was destined to carve her own path in an industry historically dominated by men. Today, as the mastermind behind Cocina Design, Lucy has revolutionised the cabinetry business, showcasing an innovative model that emphasises flexibility, efficiency, and a deep understanding of the trade.

Lucy’s journey began in the bustling machine shop of R.G. Davis Furniture, where she honed her skills as a wood machinist. As global markets shifted and outsourcing to China became prevalent, Lucy witnessed the impact firsthand. The once-thriving local furniture industry began to wane, with companies opting for cheaper labour and mass-produced components. Yet, Lucy’s passion for craftsmanship never dimmed. Transitioning from furniture to kitchens, she joined a local kitchen company, where she would spend 15 years climbing the ranks, eventually managing the entire operation.

While working for a high end German-based kitchen company, Lucy stumbled upon a business model that sparked her entrepreneurial spirit. Unlike traditional local kitchen companies, these cabinets were imported fully assembled from Germany, eliminating the need for extensive local infrastructure. “If they can get their cabinets from Germany, why can’t I get mine locally?” Lucy pondered. This revelation would become the cornerstone of Cocina Design.

Determined to break away from the constraints of owning a factory, Lucy founded Cocina Design with a unique business model. From her home office, she coordinates a seamless operation involving local installers, drivers, stonemasons, and glazers. By partnering with Cut To Size by YVCM for her cabinetry needs, Lucy ensures high-quality products without the overhead costs of maintaining a factory or full time staff

Her approach is not just innovative but transformative, especially in an industry where the traditional model involves significant capital investment in machinery and real estate. “The way I do it is so simple,” Lucy explains. “I order the cabinets, handle the design, and manage the installation—all without the burden of a factory.”

Lucy’s success story is also a testament to how technology and creative problem-solving can democratise industries. Traditionally male-dominated, the cabinetry business now sees more women entering the field, thanks in part to role models like Lucy. “This is just another avenue women can take to get into the industry,” she asserts, highlighting the significant changes technology has brought to the workspace.

With only 6% of the industry reportedly being female, Lucy’s journey offers inspiration and a roadmap for aspiring women entrepreneurs. She has never faced prejudice in her career, and she stands as a respected figure in the trade, known for her skill, patience, and innovative thinking.

Despite her tech-savvy approach, Lucy emphasises the importance of human relationships in her business. Her strong connections with manufacturers, installers, and builders are the backbone of Cocina Design’s success. “I’ve assembled a really good team around me to facilitate my needs and to structure my business around,” she says, praising her dependable partners.

Lucy’s hands-on approach doesn’t just end with design and sales; she often dons work boots to handle on-site adjustments and installations herself. This personal touch has endeared her to clients and builders alike, who appreciate her commitment to quality and detail.

Looking ahead, Lucy sees limitless potential for Cocina Design. Although she’s contemplated expansion, she values the special touch that comes with maintaining a smaller, more manageable operation. “Turnover doesn’t equal revenue,” she wisely notes, emphasising the importance of quality over quantity.

Her business model—scalable, repeatable, and profitable—ensures that Cocina Design remains at the forefront of innovation in the cabinetry industry. Lucy’s journey, from a young machinist to a visionary entrepreneur, is a beacon of inspiration, illustrating how passion, innovation, and resilience can reshape an entire industry.

As Lucy continues to navigate the evolving landscape of the cabinetry business, her story reminds us that with the right blend of tradition and innovation, anything is possible. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, her journey offers valuable lessons in perseverance, creativity, and the power of thinking outside the box.