JPH Joinery
The Growth of JPH Joinery
“It’s a journey”
“It’s a journey” explains Josh Hutton from JPH Joinery, “and we’ve been really lucky.”
Josh has been in the cabinetry industry for 25 years now. He started off by borrowing a friend’s panel saw, working from his parents’ garage. In 2010 he moved into a factory and the following year bought his first CNC machine.
There was a joinery in the factory next door to him and they were using WoodCAM from Cabinets by Computer. This is where Josh’s relationship with Cabinets by Computer (supplier of Cabinetry.Online) began.
“So we started off with WoodCAM. Now we’ve got CADCode, BricsCAD, Cabinetry.Online, Nest labels, and the shaker door module,” says Josh, “We’ve pretty much got the whole suite and have always been well-supported.” He’s particularly impressed with Cabinetry.Online. “If someone comes off the street and asks for a flatpack, I won’t do it. It’s got to come through Cabinetry.Online. It’s just so much easier”.
“There are a couple of things that I have built my business on. One is you gotta work smarter, not harder. But I still seem to be working bloody hard!” laughs Josh, “You’ve gotta spend money to make money and, I’ve always believed that you’ve gotta do a really good job at a reasonable price.”
“I cut a small job for a regular client the other day through Cabinetry.Online. I looked at what the completed job was worth. The materials cost ⅓, then we pay a small order fee and our tax. It took me under an hour to cut and edge. After that, I made almost ⅔ profit. You look at that and go, there’s definitely money to be made here. This is – working smarter, not harder.”

“I say to our customers that the beauty of Cabinetry.Online is if you wake up in the middle of the night and think ‘Oh damn, I haven’t changed that’, you can jump on and enter it,” says Josh about ordering through Cabinetry.Online. “I’ll come in the morning, check the email and there’s been another two jobs submitted. Obviously, I can see what’s coming up through the dashboard. I look at it. Hit approve. It goes into awaiting payment. If they don’t pay for it, I don’t cut it. So as far as cash flow goes, it’s phenomenal!”
“I think being able to control the material costs ourselves is really good,” explains Josh when asked what he thinks the best feature of Cabinetry.Online is. “I look at the constant changes and development that the guys are doing and it’s incredible. Justin, from Cabinetry.Online, showed me the new Benchtop Specifier the other day, it’s really cool. When Justin asked me how I found Xero Integration I said ‘Mate, it is absolutely phenomenal’. I always dreaded the end of the month. Now it’s literally set and forget. I can only imagine too, like the bigger a company gets and the more clients you’ve got, the more time it’s going to save.”
“The other thing I really like is the support portal,” says Josh, “It’s pretty simple but it takes out the hassle of having to ring up. You just chuck it onto the support portal and it’s logged. Multiple people can see it too.”
A lot of people are stuck in their ways, but I think this industry is evolving. If I was stuck in my ways in 2010, I’d still be cutting on a panel saw. I look at it, from the last 2 weeks that I’ve had the new CNC up and running, I look at how much I’ve cut. But it’s not just cut; it’s cut, it’s edged, it’s processed, it’s labelled, we know it’s square and we know the holes are in the right spot. You just can’t argue with that.”
“I’m seeing our industry evolve. Going through Covid, seeing labour shortages and things like that. I had changes here too. Going from four staff back to just me.’ adds Josh “It’s about investing in technology. I think the future is looking pretty bright.”
Interested in investing in your flatpack future? Contact Cabinetry.Online on +61 1300 783 997 or